
Delivery Fees.
The shipping cost to different cities can be found on each product page, this is an estimate based on a single product.
How long do I expect my order to be delivered?
We aim to hand your order to courier/transport company as soon as possible, and the general process time is as below:
How to track my order?
You can track your order status.
My order not yet shipped?
There are few reasons on why your order still not have been shipped:
Can I combine shipping?
Unfortunately, we cannot combine shipping at the stage due to size and weights difference, as well as its shapes.
Can I have discount on shipping?
Unfortunately, our shipping cost is charged by 3rd party companies, and due to the nature of our products, mainly furniture, they are quite large in size and heavy, and in all kinds of shapes. 
Issues With My Delivery
There are few reasons on why your order still not have been shipped: